Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thinking Out-Of-The-Box

Last week, I ran into "Tuesday Morning" for a tablecloth and I left with a fantastic present for my 7-year-old: the "Forensic Science Crime Scene Investigator Kit" by ThinkBox. 

The kit includes easy-to-follow experiments and a workbook to record your findings.  We began with a unit on collecting and analyzing fingerprints, where we learned about about the three basic fingerprint patterns.  We used a graphite block to take fingerprints and we used dusting power and tape to lift prints off glass cups. 

Then, we learned how to determine the height of a suspect (basically measure the length of a suspect's footprint, multiply that by 100 and divide the sum by 15).  This was followed by a unit on identifing and classifing unknown substances.  Using a pipette, litmus paper, and mysterious subtances, we learned how a liquid's pH level can hold an important clue to a crime scene.

Our favorite lab (even my four-year-old loved this one) was when we used a black light to retrace the steps, or invisible ink, her brother, "left" at a crime scene, which we created in the closet of our guest room.

I love educational kits that come with everyhting you need.  This one is no exception, as the Forensic Science Crime Scene Investigator Kit comes with: a black graphite block, a ball point pen, a pipette, tape, lucite squares of paper, fingerprint dusting powder, test tube, litmus paper, dry erase marker, invisible ink, 1 g of Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Carbonate, and Calcium Carbonate, and our favorite, the black light.

I'm heading back to Tuesday morning to see if they have any more ThinkBox educational kits.  After all, I still need a tablecloth.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Did You Say Toy Room Storage?

Before the ITSO storage system entered our life, we kept kids' toys in huge bins that tottered precariously on a bookcase. Our clean-up routine consisted of, "let's get everything off the floor and somehow fit it on the shelf so the room doesn't look like a mess," all while holding our breath hoping nothing falls.

It didn't work.

In search of a customizable storage system, we discovered the ITSO line at Target. We bought an assortment of white cubbies and coordinating boxes, bins, drawers and shelves. We lined one of the walls in the toy room with the cubbies, and filled them with containers of different sizes to fit the toys.

Now, when it's clean up time, the kids (sometimes) get in on the act. They know where everything goes, and when they're inspired (aka: threatened), they take charge and do a really good job.

Depending on how many ITSO pieces you buy, the sytem can get pricey, but it has done an impeccable job of bringing order to an otherwise chaotic room.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Is It A Car Seat? Is It A Stroller?

As I was walking through the airport yesterday, I was reminded how brilliant really good inventions can be. A car seat that quickly converts into a fully functional stroller tops the list of blockbuster ideas.

If I forget what a genius concept this is, someone inevitabley reminds me. We've been using the "Sit n' Stroll" convertible carseat/stroller for a few years. I don't remember a single time when we used it and somoene didn't inquire where we found such a cool product. The official working at US Customs, tourists at the zoo, even the lady pulling into the parking spot next to me at the supermarket, are some of the many strangers who wanted to know all the details.

We originally purchased this multi-purpose car seat with trips in mind. Minimizing the gear we had to shlep through the airport while still having a car seat and a stroller for the baby was the impetus for this purchase.

The FAA-certified carseat has wheels so, when it's in stroller-mode, it can be pushed through the plane's aisle. And, when it's time for take-off, tuck in the wheels and strap the carseat onto the plane's seat.

Little did I know how convenient this invention would be at home, too. If the baby falls asleep in the car, which happens all the time, instead of waking him to be transfered to the stroller, I lift the car seat up and unlock the wheels so I can continue my errands.

"Never wake a sleeping baby," isn't just my grandmother's motto. With the "Sit n' Stroll," it's become mine, too.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Have you ever read a book and wondered why your name wasn't on the cover? When I picked up "Gadgetology" (Harvard Press), by Pam Abrams, my first thought was, "This is the book I should have written!"

This colorful guide features simple recipes, crafts, games and experiments kids can do with 35 basic cooking gadgets.

If you think a salad spinner was put on this earth to dry greens, apparently, you've never made tye-die spin art. While box graters are great for peeling veggies, they also make splendid wax-resistent paintings. And, the next time you you want to make invisible ink, your citrus squeezer can do the trick.
Since I spend so much time in the kitchen, "Gadgetology" is a perfect way for my kids to join in the fun. While I'm making dinner, they tinker with kitchen tools as I'm chopping away.

Little kids care more about the spinning, whirring, pounding, and squeezing than they do about the final result of whatever they're doing. Inviting them into the kitchen to play is a wonderful way to honor their spirit.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DIY Popsicles

There's something about popsicles and kids. Never the two shall part....

My brood can get into heedy arguments or throw the most outrageous tempertantrums but the minute I bring out popsicles, world peace has been restored!

One of the "Smart Mom" moves I learned early on, is to keep our freezer stocked with popsicles -- the homemade kind, of course. This small gesture, while seemingly time consuming, has a big return every way you splice it.

Why I Love Them

Economically, the price of mom-made popsicles versus buying them can't be beat.

I can choose the flavors my kids' love. Actually, popsicles are a great way to introduce kids to new tastes and flavors they may be averse to trying in a different setting.

Creating popsicles at home allows me to control what goes into them. You won't find food coloring, chemicals or high fructose corn syrup in the ones produced from my kitchen. Try finding a commercial popsicle like that at a price you can afford!

Popsicles are a wonderful make-ahead snack. When famished kids need food (like, yesterday), healthy popsicles have a magical way of ebbing the wave of hunger until the tide turns (aka - dinner is served).

Making popsicles is so simple, even little kids can be given the independence and creativity to make a batch for the family. (For the littlest ones, pre-pour the liquid into small- size pitchers so they can eaily transfer the juice into the molds.)

Don't have popsicle molds?

Fill ice cube trays with juice. When the "juice cubes" are half frozen, stick in tooth picks and return to the freezer until they are completely solid. You can also use this method utilizing dixie cups and popsicle sticks.

Taking Homemade Popsicles to a New Level

I love using Tovolo molds because they come in cool shapes (rockets!) and once they are frozen, they can be efficiently stored by removing the base and piling the popsicles on top of each other.

Tovolo also makes ring pop molds which take homemade popsicles to a whole new level, while still maintaning the integrity of do-it-yourself.

If you want to jazz up your unique creations so they are still in the running with ice treats that come in glitzy packaging from the store... consider layering flavors for a dazzling effect. Fill the mold with one flavor, freeze. Repeat a second and third time with clashing colors until the final layer is frozen.

While freezing apple or grape juice works in a pinch, you can also freeze yogurt, smoothies, or blended fruit drinks. Add fruit and liquid to a blender, let it whirl, and freeze.

It's also fun to add chopped fruit in a color that contrasts with the liquid. Think of freezeing lemonade with raspberries or orange juice with blueberries.

Warning: homemade popsicles elicit lots of hugs and kisses.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Why I Look Forward to Bedtime

"Mom, will you stay just a few more minutes?"

One minute turns to five, which turns to twenty and before you know it...my evening is gone.

After being "on duty" since 7 AM, I look forward to silent evenings full of sleeping kids and a house so still, I can hear myself think. Giving up coveted after-hours free time to sit with the kids while they fall asleep has always been a struggle. Until I discovered Light Wedge.

This unique reading light is made from a tapered lens that lays flat on the book you are reading. This way, you get the light you need without disturbing those around you. Now, I actually look forward to sitting with the kids at bedtime. Having an uninterrupted opportunity to read--a gift I wouldn't have ordinarily given myself--is something I look forward to every night.

There may be stacks of paperwork on my desk and dirty dishes in the sink, but when it comes to comforting the kids by being present at bedtime, as long as I have my Light Wedge and a good book, I will stay to help them catch some zzz's, and then some.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Searching for the Perfect Lunch Box

When it comes to finding the perfect lunchbox for my kids, boy, did I shop until I found the best product on the market: American-style bento boxes for kids at www.laptoplunches.com

What is a bento?

A bento is a compact, balanced, visually appealing meal packed in a reusable box that is made up of small compartments and lids. This earth-friendly system encourages the art of food presentation, portion control, and eliminates the use of Ziploc bags, aluminum foil, and other disposable products.

Laptop Lunches are family-friendly bento boxes designed to help parents pack their kids nutritious, eco-friendly lunches. The lunch boxes include a flat box which opens to reveal four containers that are perfectly sized for kids' lunches.

Despite the hefty price tag ($43.99 each!) -- the Lap Top Lunch system is a quality product that has stood up to, and surpassed, my expectations. My older kids still use the lunch boxes I bought them years ago, which, despite every day use, are still in like-new condition. Last year, I bought my youngest daughter the redesigned version, which we love MORE than the original. The containers are extra-deep and include two lid-covered containers, instead of one.

The Benefits of Bento:

The tray-like feel makes lunch fun. My kids love the built-in compartment that encloses real stainless steel cutlery (included!).

Two containers come with sealable lids that prevent wet foods from leaking onto other foods. A third container is included for sauces, salad dressings, and dips.

The durable plastic containers are microwave safe and BPA-free.

Presenting food in a bento box makes food visually attractive, which encourages kids to eat healthfully. Lunch has never looked so good!

Brown bags are out. Bentos are IN!