Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Have you ever read a book and wondered why your name wasn't on the cover? When I picked up "Gadgetology" (Harvard Press), by Pam Abrams, my first thought was, "This is the book I should have written!"

This colorful guide features simple recipes, crafts, games and experiments kids can do with 35 basic cooking gadgets.

If you think a salad spinner was put on this earth to dry greens, apparently, you've never made tye-die spin art. While box graters are great for peeling veggies, they also make splendid wax-resistent paintings. And, the next time you you want to make invisible ink, your citrus squeezer can do the trick.
Since I spend so much time in the kitchen, "Gadgetology" is a perfect way for my kids to join in the fun. While I'm making dinner, they tinker with kitchen tools as I'm chopping away.

Little kids care more about the spinning, whirring, pounding, and squeezing than they do about the final result of whatever they're doing. Inviting them into the kitchen to play is a wonderful way to honor their spirit.

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